Genius Meanings
Melanie Martinez – Drama Club
“Drama Club” is the sixth track from Melanie Martinez’s sophomore album, K-12. The track mimes her debut album Crybaby in which she details being very emotional.
Snippets of an
Melanie Martinez – Drama Club (Demo)
A demo version of Melanie Martinez’s 2019 track “Drama Club” leaked on September 10th, 2018, nearly a year before the K-12 album release. Though the lyrics stayed the same, this
Melanie Martinez – Drama Club (Clean)
[Verse 1] / Everyone's so soft, everyone's so sensitive / Do I offend you? You're hanging on my sentences / You can keep your costume and you can keep your mask / I'ma take a bow
Melanie Martinez – K-12 The Movie Script (With the songs)
Massive thanks to 'macbethgonzalez' & 'xxri' for doing the whole script I just coppied & pasted it / K-12 (The Film) / -[Woman] / Wake up. You’re gonna be late / (The alarm clock
Tiffany Truitt – Melanie Martinez's song Drama Club and The Principal
[Verse 1] / Everyone's so soft, everyone's so sensitive / Do I offend you? / You're hanging on my sentences / You can keep your costume and you can keep your mask / I'ma take a bow
Melanie Martinez – Drama Club (Movie Version)
[Verse 1] / Everyone's so soft, everyone's so sensitive / Do I offend you? You're hanging on my sentences / You can keep your costume, and you can keep your mask / I'ma take a bow
Melanie Martinez – Drama Club Samples
See all of “Drama Club” by Melanie Martinez’s samples, covers, remixes, interpolations and live versions
AJdan11 – Drama Club (Cover)
[Verse 1] / Everyone's so soft / Everyone's so sensitive / Do I offend you? / You're hanging on my sentences / You can keep your costume and you can keep your mask / I'ma take a
Melanie Martinez – K-12 (Movie Script)
“K-12” is a theatrical film directed and written by Melanie Martinez. It follows the same name of Martinez’s sophomore album K-12.
The story is about Crybaby (Melanie Martinez
Melanie Martinez – K-12 Tour Setlist
[Main Event] / ◦ "Wheels On The Bus" / ◦ "Class Fight" / ◦ "The Principal" / ◦ "Show & Tell" / ◦ "Nurse's Office" / ◦ "Drama Club" / ◦ "Strawberry Shortcake" / ◦ "Lunchbox Friends
Genius Traducciones al Español – Melanie Martinez - Drama Club (Traducción al Español)
[Letra de "Melanie Martinez - Drama Club (Traducción al Español)"] / [Verso 1] / Todos son tan suaves, todos son tan sensibles / ¿Te ofendo? Te estás colgando de mis oraciones
Melanie Martinez – Recess
“Recess” brings Melanie Martinez’s sophomore album K-12 to a sweet, fairytale close. In the album’s accompanying film, “Recess” plays during a nightmarish ball, where K-12 students
Genius Traductions françaises – Melanie Martinez - Drama Club (Traduction Française)
[Couplet 1] / Tout le monde est si indulgent, tout le monde est si susceptible / Je te dérange? Tu es suspendu à mes phrases / Tu peux garder ton costume et tu peux garder ton
Melanie Martinez – Teacher's Pet
“Teacher’s Pet” is the eleventh track from Melanie Martinez’s sophomore album, K-12. The track details an inappropriate relationship between a student and a teacher in which he
Nadda Mercenary – Drama Club (Cover)
[Verse 1] / Everyone's so soft, everyone's so sensitive / Do I offend you? You're hanging on my sentences / You can keep your costume and you can keep your mask / I'ma take a bow
Genius Dansk Oversættelse – Melanie Martinez - Drama Club (Dansk Oversættelse)
[Vers 1] / Alle er så bløde, alle er så følsomme / Fornærmer jeg dig? Du hænger på mine sætninger / Du kan beholde dit kostume og du kan beholde din maske / Jeg vil bukke så du kan
Genius Brasil Traduções – Melanie Martinez - Drama Club (Tradução em Português)
[Tradução de "Drama Club", de Melanie Martinez] / [Verso 1] / Todo mundo é tão sensível, todo mundo é tão sensível / Eu te ofendo? Você se apega às minhas palavras / Você pode
Genius Nederlandse Vertalingen – Melanie Martinez - Drama Club (Nederlandse Vertaling)
[Verse 1] / Iedereen is zo zacht, iedereen is zo gevoelig / Beledig ik je? Je hangt aan mijn lippen / Je kunt je kostuum houden en je kunt je masker houden / Ik maak een buiging
Melanie Martinez – Detention
“Detention” is the tenth track from Melanie Martinez’s sophomore album, K-12.
A snippet of the song was released through an interactive game on July 9th, 2019 and was later posted
Melanie Martinez – Show & Tell
“Show & Tell” is the fourth track from Melanie Martinez’s sophomore album, K-12. The track details Melanie’s struggle with becoming a public figure and being forced into the
Melanie Martinez – Class Fight
“Class Fight” is the second track from Melanie Martinez’s sophomore album, K-12.
A snippet of the song was released through an interactive game on August 8th, 2019 and was later
Melanie Martinez – Nurse's Office
“Nurse’s Office” is the fifth track from Melanie Martinez’s sophomore album, K-12. Several sounds like coughing and ripping of band aids are used in the audio of the track.
Melanie Martinez – High School Sweethearts
“High School Sweethearts” is the twelfth track from Melanie Martinez’s sophomore album, K-12. The track is about Cry Baby wishing to have a lover who is honest with her and truly
Melanie Martinez – Orange Juice
“Orange Juice” is the ninth track from Melanie Martinez’s sophomore album, K-12. It is one of the only two non-explicit tracks on the album. This track discusses eating disorders
Melanie Martinez – Lunchbox Friends
“Lunchbox Friends” is the eighth track from Melanie Martinez’s sophomore album, K-12. In the track, Melanie details her aversity to fake friendships.
On May 17th, 2016, Melanie
Melanie Martinez – Strawberry Shortcake
“Strawberry Shortcake” is the seventh song from Melanie Martinez’s sophomore album, K-12. The song was teased through an advertisement for the K-12 Tour on Facebook and Instagram
Genius Traduzioni Italiane – Melanie Martinez - Wheels on the Bus (Traduzione Italiana)
[Traduzione di "Wheels on the Bus"] / [Strofa 1] / Sto solo guardando fuori dal finestrino e fuori fa freddo / Dietro di me ci sono due ragazzi che urlano e io sono terrorizzata
Genius Brasil Traduções – Melanie Martinez - Strawberry Shortcake (Tradução em Português)
[Tradução de "Strawberry Shortcake", de Melanie Martinez] / [Verso 1] / Sentindo-me insegura com meu corpo nu / Recuando, observando-o tomar forma / Perguntando-me por que não
Melanie Martinez – The Principal
“The Principal” is the third song on Melanie Martinez’s sophomore album, K-12. The Principal character in the K-12 movie, and the subject of this song, are a reference to The 45th
Genius Nederlandse Vertalingen – Melanie Martinez - Strawberry Shortcake (Nederlandse Vertaling)
[Verse 1] / Voel me onzeker over mijn naakte lichaam / Stap achteruit, kijk hoe het vorm krijgt / Vraag me af waarom ik niet op Barbie lijk / Ze zeggen dat jongens van meisjes
Melanie Martinez – Wheels on the Bus
“Wheels on the Bus” is the opening track to Melanie Martinez’s sophomore album, K-12.
The track plays while Cry Baby, Martinez’s character in the K-12 film, is on a bus ride to “
Genius Brasil Traduções – Melanie Martinez - Recess (Tradução em Português)
[Tradução de "Recess", de Melanie Martinez] / [Verso 1] / Eu era jovem demais para ver a verdade / No colo da minha avó, estou afogando-me em seu perfume / Muito ingênua para
Genius Traducciones al Español – Melanie Martinez - Wheels on the Bus (Traducción al Español)
[Letra de "Melanie Martinez - Wheels on the Bus (Traducción al Español)"] / [Verse 1] / Solo estoy mirando por la ventana y hace frío afuera / Hay dos chicos gritándome y estoy
Melanie Martinez – Recess (Clean)
[Verse 1] / I was too young to see the truth / In my grandma's lap, I'm drowning in her perfume / Too naive to even care / 'Bout the words she whispered while she brushed out my